Other teams love to argue with pricing about what prices should be...
Research & Best Practices To Get More From B2B Pricing
Other teams love to argue with pricing about what prices should be. Here's a great approach to settle the argument for good.
Put their uneducated opinions to rest →
We all know that some customers are more profitable than others. The challenge is figuring out who those customers are and what made them that way in the first place.
This is what to look for →
The term “strategic pricing” seems to get thrown around quite a bit these days. And while putting “strategic” in front of anything certainly makes it sound more important, what does it actually mean?
This webinar explains it all →


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"Best Practice" sounds great in theory, but getting to "Better Practice" is often more practical and still delivers great results--especially in pricing. We've put together some "better" practices that deliver when "best" is out of reach.
Use these pragmatic improvements →
The toughest pricing battles you'll ever face are likely within your own organization.
These 4 are the most costly →


Configured and custom products present major pricing challenges. Even a few options can generate hundreds of combinations. How do you price products that you may have never sold before (or may never sell again)?
In our next live webinar, we'll discuss how to effectively price configured products and ensure your costs and margin targets are covered. We'll explore how to manage product configurations while maximizing profit and perceived value. And we'll share tips on analysis, technology use, and organizational adoption.
Sign Up For Our Next Live Webinar →


The use of averages are as common in business as they are in sports. But average selling prices (ASPs) hide a lot of truths. This case study reveals how one company dug deeper to find profitable opportunities.
See what those averages are concealing →
This tutorial provides insight into salespeople's behavior and outlines an effective game plan for motivating your sales team to police themselves and close more deals at their target prices.
It's a very effective approach →


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PricingBrew | June 30, 2022 - Live Training Webinar
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About The PricingBrew Journal
The PricingBrew Journal is an online publication focused on best practices and research into business-to-business pricing. With a multitude of tools and resources available at PricingBrew.com, our research team is dedicated to publishing practical approaches, pragmatic advice and revealing what works (and what doesn't) to improve margin and pricing outcomes.


PricingBrew - 1775 W. State St. #173 - Boise, ID 83702